
project #1

The Penn State Schreyer Honor's College sought to revitalize their outdated website, aiming for a modern yet traditional design that aligned with the university's brand standards. Working closely with the developer in Adobe XD, I crafted a design that could be easily implemented. To accommodate the ever-changing content, the use of Lorem Ipsum was requested to maintain generic pages.
Embracing the Penn State Brand colors and fonts, I created distinct desktop and mobile versions, incorporating gradients, design elements, and interactive styles that established the Schreyer Honors College as a unique sub-brand within the broader Penn State University design system. Despite strict adherence to brand guidelines, I successfully crafted a website that stands on its own while remaining consistent with the overall Penn State look and feel.

The developer requested general template designs for one, two, and three-column pages, as well as a faculty contact page, interactive calendar page, and other various pages. Upon client approval, I provided the developer with downloadable components through XD's prototype links. Additionally, I developed a comprehensive design system and style guide, encompassing essential components, interactive elements, as well as font and color choices.

In line with the style guide and Penn State Brand Guide, I also designed templates for additional media, such as PowerPoint, Word, and InDesign flyers. These templates maintain consistency with the overall brand, enabling seamless integration across various communication materials.